Mining Profitability Calculator
Profitability Analysis
The following estimates assume that the inputs above remain constant over time, as it is impossible to predict their evolution. Be advised, however, that market and network conditions change all the time. This is particularly true for Dogecoin's network difficulty, which can change drastically from one minute to the next.
| Expected Rewards | Costs | Profit |
24 hours | | 16.50 USD | 0.86 USD | 15.64 USD |
7 days | 0.10607 | LTC | 363.84862 | DOGE |
| 115.50 USD | 6.05 USD | 109.46 USD |
30 days | 0.45460 | LTC | 1,559.35124 | DOGE |
| 495.02 USD | 25.92 USD | 469.10 USD |
Solo Mining Stats
Solo mining statistics are provided for reference only. The pool rewards miners in accordance with the PPS (pay-per-share) system, and finding a block does not result in additional rewards.
Expected Time per Block | 408 days 07 hours |
Probability of a Block in 7 days | 1.70% |
Probability of a Block in 14 days | 3.37% |
Probability of a Block in 30 days | 7.08% |
Probability of a Block in 365 days | 59.09% |