Latest News (RSS): 2 months ago A Reminder about Merged Mining

PPS fee is now 4%

Warning: This post is very old, and may contain outdated information.

2013-04-02 10:19 UTC (12 years ago)

In order to encourage miners to adopt the new Stratum protocol, which allows for very low stale rates, we are not paying for stale shares anymore. To compensate for this, the PPS fee has been lowered to 4%.

If you are running a recent version of cgminer, you are already taking advantage of Stratum. If you are using Reaper, you are encouraged to use cgminer instead. If you are using cpuminer, you can lower your stale rate by using the Stratum proxy. You only need to run one proxy for all of your miners, as long as they are all within the same local network. More information is available at the bottom of our help page.

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