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Happy 3rd Birthday,!

Warning: This post is very old, and may contain outdated information.

2014-11-05 16:34 UTC (10 years ago)

It gives me great pleasure to witness the third anniversary of the official launch of Developing and running this pool has been an amazing journey, and a real adventure. As I'm sure many of you know, maintaining a pool can be a very hard task, and a pool operator is constantly faced with challenges: from ensuring the reliability and security of the network infrastructure to keeping server software up to date with the latest innovations; from providing a featureful yet straightforward user interface to helping miners configuring their hardware. While this has often left me with very little free time, it has been a very enriching experience: it has forced me to find out new ways of managing computer systems, and has helped me deepen my understanding of cryptography-based technologies.

Today the pool is still under constant development, as I am always eager to implement new, useful features. As you may remember, we were the first pool to offer variable-difficulty shares back in early 2012. This tradition for innovation lives on. Let me name a few of the features introduced during the past year:

On this occasion, I would like to extend my gratitude to all those people who have contributed to the success of this pool: fellow developers, testers, and of course miners. To all of you, a huge and heartfelt thank you.

What else to say? Happy birthday,!

— pooler

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