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SegWit: Abstainers to Start Signaling Today

Warning: This post is very old, and may contain outdated information.

2017-02-14 13:25 UTC (8 years ago)

Three weeks have passed since we introduced our internal SegWit support vote. Here is the current situation: 285 miners have expressed their preference; by hash rate, 22% are voting Yes, and 1.6% are voting No.

Today we are going to start counting abstentions as “no objection” (positive) votes, as we stated we would do.

Update (2017-03-16): 445 votes so far. By hash rate, 51.3% Yes, 1.5% No.

Update (2017-04-06): After the global signaling rate hit 70%, many new miners have joined the pool. We're now at 660 votes. By hash rate, 57.0% Yes, 1.1% No.

Update (2017-04-11): Some of the miners who were voting No changed their preference. We're now at 734 votes. By hash rate, 58.3% Yes, 0.2% No.

This does not mean that the vote is over! The pool's signaling ratio will keep reflecting each miner's vote and hash rate, just as before. The only difference is that from now on abstaining will be equivalent to voting Yes instead of No.

We will of course keep posting updates on the evolution of the vote. Remember that you can check current network adoption on our Network Hash Rate Distribution page, where you can also see detailed block information.

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